
You are here: Getting Started > Updating the Spy Sweeper Definitions and Program  

Updating the Spy Sweeper Definitions and Program  

Webroot updates the Spy Sweeper definitions and program to keep up with changes in potentially unwanted programs. While your subscription is valid, you can download and install updates. If you have a trial version, you can download and install only definition updates for 30 days after you install the trial. Updating your Spy Sweeper version does not extend your subscription.

You should check for updates to the definitions at least once a week to ensure that you are using the latest version. Spy Sweeper can notify you whenever updates are available, as described in the steps below. You can also check for updates anytime.

Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus icon If you have Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus, updating Spy Sweeper definitions updates both your potentially unwanted programs and virus definitions.

Note icon Note: Do not uninstall the old version of Spy Sweeper. Installing the new version over the old one retains the quarantine information from previous sweeps and lets you automatically retain your Spy Sweeper settings.

To see when you last updated the definitions, click Home in the icon panel and check the Updates section.

Note icon Note: You must connect to the Internet to update Spy Sweeper.

Step Introduction icon To update the Spy Sweeper definitions and program:

  1. Start Spy Sweeper, if it is not already open, and display the Home panel.
  2. In the icon panel, click Options.
  3. Click the Update tab.
    • The Update tab displays.
    • If you want Spy Sweeper to automatically notify you of updates, select the Automatically Check for Spy Sweeper Updates option.
    • If you want Spy Sweeper to also automatically download new definitions, select the Automatically Download Definitions if Available option.
  4. Click Update Spy Sweeper.
    • Spy Sweeper opens your Web browser and takes you to the Webroot Web site. The Web site tells you whether your version of the program is current or if an update is available.
    • If new definitions are available, Spy Sweeper downloads and installs them from the Webroot Web site. A progress bar shows the status of the download.
